These Hobby pumps can be a bit limited if you need to move some water in a vertical direction, however, provided you run them within their abiltites, their reliability, quite running and cost of running I have always felt made up for this. However, with the reading I had returned on their true cost of running, this "balance" (purchase cost verses running costs) for me has been altered. I have always felt that their initial high purchase price (and cost of replacement parts) were offset by their low cost of running. I have always though Eheims are good pumps, good for their reliability, their silent running, and - their low wattage.

But, what has surprised me the most is when I checked my Eheim 1060 and Eheim 2260 Hobby Pumps (both operated at zero head).īoth have marked on them that they are a 50 watt pumps. I expected to find a little bit of variation, which I did. I checked most of my fish tank equipment, to work out the watts they actually used. A week ago, I had the loan of a "Tong Meter" which checked on the actual wattage used by electrical equipment.